
Posting Etiquette on Forums – Casino Podcast 11th July 2001

Recorded and first aired nearly live on the internet back on 11th July 2001, this casino podcast covers topics such as posting etiquette on forums and newsgroups ( remember them? ), email privacy and casino spam is also touched upon once again.

Starting with defining hell, yes the definition of hell, where the French are in charge of traffic, the Brits in charge of the food and the Germans are in charge of the humour!

The competition winner for ‘Who wants to be a Casinomeister’ on the previous week’s podcast is announced, with Greg being the recipient of $50 at Kiwi Casino ( anyone remember them? ).

Bryan explains about forum spamming and why it is a no no and how it is likely to get you a one way ticket to an ip ban. So how do you post properly on forums and newsgroups?

Bryan, explains that a couple of years ago he made a big mistake and posted details about his casino scavenger hunt on a number of newsgroups related to online gambling. This resulted in his site being shut down for a day. Hence a valuable lesson was learned.

When posting to newsgroups and forums, think about what you have to say and also your audience, who are you posting your message to.  Try to add value to the forum and newsgroup, don’t exploit them.

Casino Podcast 11th July 2001

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Simon Wright

Simon has been working within the iGaming Industry for some 20 years now. Whereby he has built up a wealth of knowledge in this area during this time. As well as being a main contributor for Casino Gazette, Simon also writes and reports for Casinomeister.com.

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